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North Canterbury Walk

On Sunday, March 24, 2024, members of the Christchurch congregation, including visiting minister and New Zealand office manager, Mr Tony Leman, and one small dog, enjoyed a walk around “Taylor’s Mistake,” which is one of Banks Peninsula’s famous bays. We were blessed with a fine, sunny day for the occasion with a fresh nor-easterly blowing off the sea. A few hardy souls were out swimming and surfing in one of North Canterbury’s top surfing locations. – Grant Holmes

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Three baptisms took place in New Zealand in the two weeks leading up to Passover. Mrs Vivienne Heurea (Bay of Plenty) was baptised on April 10, Mr Shane Singh (Auckland) on April 14, and Mrs Caitlin Cobham (Auckland) on April 19. The baptisms were conducted by Messrs Paul Kearns and Tony Leman. We congratulate these members on their baptisms and welcome them to God’s family!

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