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ANU 24-01-WEB2

Adelaide: Tomorrow's World Presentation

Two very powerfully delivered Tomorrow’s World Presentations were conducted at the Glenelg North Community Centre, Adelaide during the month of April. The first, on April 6, titled “Signs Announcing Christ’s Return” was presented by Australasian Regional Director and Evangelist, Mr Robert Tyler. It was attentively received by 49 guests and 32 Church members. Many guests stayed back after the presentation to enjoy refreshments and the members eagerly mingled to make them feel welcome and answer any questions they may have had. A few guests remained to attend afternoon Sabbath Services.

The second presentation titled “Who or What is the Antichrist?” was given the following Sabbath on April 13 by Adelaide Assistant Pastor, Mr Martin Montgomery to 33 guests. Twenty-four were returning from the first presentation and nine first-time attendees. Once again, the audience was “all ears” as God’s truth was delivered with boldness, authority and clarity. It was obvious from the comments given by the guests afterwards, that prophecy is certainly being revealed in the Scriptures and is plainly seen through the unfolding of world events. Six guests attended Sabbath services again that week, which was greatly encouraging for us all.

The Tomorrow’s World Presentations have proven to be a very tangible way in which the members of God’s Church can participate firsthand in the Work of God and to see the impact that it is having in the lives of our subscribers. – Warren Burnett

Adelaide: Maritime Museum Activity

Sunday, March 17, 2024, saw 22 landlubbers from the Adelaide congregation embarking on a historical voyage at the Maritime Museum situated in Port Adelaide. Interesting facts of the Port’s history were brought to life with a guided tour, displays of ships, berths, galleys, artifacts, written and video accounts of real-life experiences on the sea. The salt air induced a hearty appetite which was satisfied at the nearby Lighthouse Wharf Hotel. Thank you to everyone for participating with courtesy, lively conversation and laughter for the enjoyment of all. – Mary Burnett

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Adelaide: Indian Dinner Evening

On the evening of April 28, 2024, several Adelaide brethren enjoyed a delicious meal at the Raj on Taj Indian restaurant. While the restaurant was very busy, we were able to book our tables ahead of time, giving us a private room, allowing privacy from the other diners. We had two visitors – one from Brisbane and one from the United States – who we were excited to catch up with and get to know. Coming together for a meal and fellowship, was a wonderful way to end God’s Sabbath day. – Joshua Jamieson

Tasmania: Tomorrow's World Presentation

The Tomorrow’s World Presentation held in Devonport, Tasmania on February 24, 2024, was quite successful. Mr Martin Montgomery presented the topic “Prophetic Signs of Christ’s Return”, and reported that 45 guests attended the presentation from 262 invitations sent out. That was an excellent response rate of 17.2 percent! Some people travelled as much as two and a half hours to attend. One guest attended because she had previously read the Tomorrow’s World magazine in a waiting room and happened to recognize the banner outside the presentation room.

The follow-up presentation by Mr Zig Svalbe, which was titled, “The Beast Power is Rising”, drew 29 repeat guests and two new guests. As a result, a

strong witness was given to many people living in Tasmania. – Zig Svalbe

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Melbourne: Church BBQ Activity

It was a cool Monday morning described as “a sad and sorry day that was supposed to be summer”; but this miserable weather did not deter 25 members of the Melbourne congregation. Gathering at the home of our minister, Mr Adam Jennings, for a relaxing, warm, bonding lunch and afternoon together, we were removed from societies’ festivities on December 25, 2023.

Mr Jennings cooked the meat on his barbecue in the covered outdoor patio where some men ‘supervised’ the cook, while the youth were inside talking and playing together. The women prepared and dished up the potluck meal while most of us sat and chatted in the open dining/rumpus room. We all greatly appreciated the abundance of food, drinks and the bonding

fellowship of the whole afternoon. Thanks to the Jennings for opening their house and hosting a fine afternoon. – Michael Alter

Sydney / Canberra: Combined Services

March 2, 2024, was a much-anticipated combined service between the Sydney and Canberra congregations. Mittagong Community Centre was the chosen venue which had been a great success on previous occasions. Mittagong also has the advantage of being approximately midway between Sydney and Canberra. The venue opened at 9:30am with all of the Sydney congregation in attendance. Considering some had travelled over three hours, it was a very positive start.

Sydney Elder Ed Lever started services at 11am with a Bible Study discussing “the Power of The Holy Spirit and the Godhead”. We then paused for a sumptuous cold dish lunch that had been prepared by our hardworking and dedicated ladies, overseen by Corry Watt.

Afternoon services followed with Mr Michael Gill, Pastor of the Canberra congregation, giving the sermonette on the importance of “Praying for Our Leaders”. Mr Graeme Hemphill, Pastor of the Sydney congregation, gave the sermon explaining the “Mystery of the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God”. Most brethren continued to fellowship until hall closure at 5pm. However, many also met up afterwards for a restaurant meal with more fellowship.

On Sunday morning, a number of brethren met in the southern highlands for breakfast in the millennial surroundings at Peppers Hotel. This was organised by Mr Doug Stapleton and was a fitting end to what had been a truly remarkable weekend. Everyone is keen to repeat the experience, with many asking “when are we going to do this again?”. – Graeme Hemphill

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On Sunday, February 11, 2024, Ms Sonia Lange of the Adelaide congregation was baptized at Gawler. Assistant Pastor Mr Martin Montgomery officiated over the baptism and the laying on of hands. Afterwards a small group of brethren enjoyed an afternoon of warm fellowship at Dexter and Amy Javate’s home to welcome Sonia into the family of God.

In a beautifully warm country setting, on Monday March 11, 2024, Mr Thomas Hammond of the Melbourne congregation was baptised by Elder Mr Zig Svalbe. Proceeding the baptism, hands were laid on Mr Hammond by Melbourne Pastor Mr Adam Jennings and Mr Svalbe. A small number of friends and family witnessed this joyful occasion and after this, we celebrated his commitment by enjoying a hearty lunch and meaningful fellowship. We welcome Thomas into the thriving family of God!

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